GUEST POST - How to Improve the Employee Experience: 5 Strategies for HR

What one factor would make your employees happier, more productive, more engaged, and performing at their best? Here’s what I learned, and what you can do to improve the employee experience in your company:

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Here's what I believe about authenticity at work

How does it make you feel when you see someone mess up at something they believe in? Is a person a hypocrite if they don’t practice what they preach? And when you work with someone who seems to be one way at work and completely different outside of it, what does that make you think? Here are my thoughts:

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How To Increase Employee Productivity: 5 Strategies for Managers

It’s a great privilege to lead, and as a manager, your top priority is to be a coach. Here are five things you can offer your team that will result in a more productive workplace:

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how to motivate your employees effectively

All of us are basically motivated by one of two things. If you want all of your employees to light up over your objective, and if you want to avoid a scenario where you express your goal to the group and only half of them get moving, read this for your plan:

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GUEST POST: How to empower employees to be more successful in their roles

That saying about a company only being as great as its employees really is true. Your company is its people, and their success is yours too. Here are 3 strategies for helping them to perform at their very best:

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GUEST POST: How to encourage your employees

Discouragement is your enemy, but you can fight it. Here are ten strategies for encouraging your employees:

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GUEST POST: How to be a mentor to your employees

I really believe that as an employer or manager, you can be a mentor for your own employees, and I believe you can do it in a positive, caring, uplifting way, and leave a lasting impression and influence:

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I want to quote you in my books!

I’m an author of two books on happiness, fulfillment, and high-performance at work. One is to employees, one is to employers/managers/HR, and I want to fill both with quotes from anyone who can share their insights, experiences and ideas about the topics and strategies in the books. I’ll be republishing them at the end of 2019, so the deadline to submit your quote(s) is JUNE 1, 2019. Here’s how:

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use your job got a facelift!

Use Your Job is a 90-Day Challenge for employees, that results in happiness, fulfillment, high-performance, and personal goal achievement. It’s in book form, available on Amazon, and in this post, you can see the improvements to the layout of the book.

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