Essential Apps for Every Entrepreneur to Free Up Time and Boost Work-Life Balance

Being an entrepreneur means that you have more than enough going on. So shouldn’t you figure out how to make your operations more efficient, boost your team’s productivity, and reduce your stress? All of these apps can do just that:

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Why you should quit your MLM for a regular job

Why work so hard day after day to make money for your boss who doesn’t care about you? Why not throw up two fingers at him and that outdated nine-to-five and be your own boss? Why accept a quarter raise each year when you can be making an unlimited amount of money and creating generational wealth?

Any of us who hear that during a time when we feel restless, unfulfilled or let down by our job could easily be tempted. But here’s why I think a regular job wins every time over an MLM:

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When a coworker is out to get you (Part 2)

At some point all of us deal with coworkers who are rude, annoying, frustrating, and hard to work with. That’s to be expected, and we can use encounters with them to sharpen our skills in working well with difficult people. But once bad behavior crosses a line into abuse, bullying, harassment, discrimination, racism, or a threat to your job, your safety, or your well-being, it’s a completely different story. Those things are never acceptable and never anything that you need to put up with. Here are my thoughts on your plan:

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When a coworker is out to get you (Part 1)

I’ve worked with toxic coworkers too. It’s stressful and frustrating, and gets even worse when the person starts trying to make you look bad to your boss. Here are my thoughts on your first steps, and I’ll be back with part two.

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How Small Businesses Can Make Financial Projections

Financial projections are a great tool that can help your business in multiple ways. There are certain steps needed in creating these financial projections, and whether you are currently a business owner, or have a goal to become one, the following three categories will be your foundation:

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4 Tips To Maximize Productivity When Hiring Freelancers

Forming efficient and effective professional relationships with independent contractors may prove to be the best solution for some projects. If you’re considering hiring a 1099 contractor, here are some tips to help you get off to a smooth start, ensure productivity, and strengthen your organization through the use of freelance work.

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5 Tips for Starting a Business as an Immigrant

Many of us dream of having our own business. Working as an employee can help us gain many skills and opportunities while we make preparations for our own companies. But many of us also dream of having a business in a foreign country. If you live outside of the United States and would like to own a US-based business, here are some tips and resources to help you get a great start.

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How to move your career forward when you're between jobs

If you’ve found yourself jobless, you’re likely trying to think of ways you can stay afloat financially. Fortunately, you have some options to consider—options that will help you make it through these hard times while also benefiting your career in the long term.

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Be careful about these "opportunities"

You have dreams, and they most likely don’t involve staying in your current job forever. You might crave work that challenges you, fulfills you, and gives back to the world. You might dream of freedom and adventure, and being your own boss. And your current job might seem to get in the way. While you dream, plan and look for a change, be cautious about invitations that require these:

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Working with a Disability: 5 Ways Technology Can Help

As online education, remote work, and other tech-based tools continue to grow in popularity, it will only become easier for people with disabilities to find the work they need to thrive. Here are five ways technology can help:

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