Be careful about these "opportunities"

I like to see what people say about working a “regular” job. It feels relaxing and entertaining to sit back and watch YouTube videos of people bashing the traditional 9-5, or talking ominously about all the things you could be getting out of life but aren’t since you’re stuck in Corporate America, or giving a list of the top ten reasons you should quit your job now and come over to their opportunity of a lifetime.

The narrative gets frustrating, but I can’t help but be drawn to it at the same time. Sometimes it’s funny, sometimes it gives me ideas of how to explain something better in my content, and sometimes it’s just that it’s so fun to get exasperated and fired up.

In the midst of all the fun, I’ve noticed a trend. I wasn’t going to address it at first, because I didn’t think I really knew enough about it to be much help. But it’s been on my mind a lot recently, as I’ve listened to more job-bashing content and thought about experiences I’ve had.

The thing is, sometimes people might tell you how horrible your job is because they want you to give them money. They want you to throw two fingers up at that oppressive boss while you blaze your way over to their amazing opportunity.

I always say that you don’t have to stay. I always go on about how you can leave your current employer for something better whenever you’re ready, and that in the meantime you can get great things out of your job while you’re there.

But this invitation that I’m referring to is a little concerning, and sounds a little too good to be true. So I want to tell you what I do know about it, and just caution you to think carefully if you’re ever offered something like this. Many of them share common traits, so I listed all the ones I know of in this video:

And if you want to know how you can have real happiness, fulfillment and success in your current job, and use it to get real opportunities and advantages in a positive way, THIS will give you the overview, and the rest of the content on this site and on my YouTube channel will go in-depth.