Remote Work: Tips for Getting Used to the New Normal

Guest Article by Chelsea Lamb

Remote Work Tips for getting used to the new normal.jpg

Has your employer asked you to telecommute during the pandemic? If you’re new to it, establishing a routine for working from home can feel overwhelming. But by making the right adjustments and committing to your work, you can set yourself up for success. To help you start your new normal off on the right foot, here are some tips and resources to consider.

Creating a Space

First things first: Designate a space where you can work productively.

  • Choosing the location, coming up with a plan, and ensuring your workspace has adequate lighting are essential.

  • Get any equipment and tools you need to succeed at remote work.

  • Keep your workspace clutter-free and organized if you want to stay inspired and productive.

Adjusting to Remote Work

As with any other type of job, working from home will require you to make adjustments.

  • First, you will need to make sure you develop a structure for your workday. This should
    include things like coming up with a morning routine, designating time blocks
    for certain tasks, and reviewing your progress at the end of the day.

  • If you want to be successful in working with a remote team, being able to collaborate effectively is non-negotiable. 

  • And in order to collaborate effectively, you will need certain tools.

  • With most of the country adapting to remote work or online school, remaining connected is more important than ever. This is a resource that lists all of the internet providers and their different offers to help keep people connected during this time. It also provides information on different stipulations in place with these deals and is continuously updated as new information becomes available.

  • If you manage a team, encourage self-care and communicate clearly.

Handling Distractions

Distractions abound when working from home, and minimizing those distractions will be key to
your success.

  • Establishing work hours with your family and boss (and not working outside of those hours when at all possible) is critical to your remote work success.

  • Other ways to separate your work and home life include giving yourself time to do non-work-related things in the morning, using your workspace for work only, and leaving your workspace for breaks just as you would leave the company office.

  • If you have kids, you might need to take a few extra steps in managing your distractions.

Getting Your Name Out There

If you need some extra income, freelancing is worth considering. But in order for it to work, you have to market yourself so that people know you are available and that you have the skills and knowledge they need for their projects.

  • Word-of-mouth marketing is still one of the most effective ways to get your name out there, so be sure to tell your network of friends and family about your freelance business.

  • Moreover, be sure to research the needs of your market, build a quality website, and double-down on your social media presence.

  • You can find freelance opportunities through job boards like Upwork in fields like web development, sales, marketing, writing, accounting, and much more.

Though it might feel awkward at first, working from home comes with a lot of benefits. Take time to put together a workspace, learn how to adjust to your new routine, deal with your distractions, and
consider freelance work if you need to boost your finances. If you dedicate your energy to making the most of your new normal, you will probably find a number of things that you like about it.

Chelsea Lamb has spent the last eight years honing her tech skills and is the resident tech specialist at Business Pop. Her goal is to demystify some of the technical aspects of business ownership.