how to learn anything with your job

You need to become someone to achieve your goals. There’s things you’ll need to learn, and certain skills and character traits you’ll need to develop. And it turns out, your job is the perfect resource for your personal development:

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GUEST POST: Personal development at work

Want to know what’s really in it for you at work, and how to take advantage of your job’s real purpose? In today’s guest post, I’m sharing how you can get the most from your current job, and start making your time at work work for you:

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I want to quote you in my books!

I’m an author of two books on happiness, fulfillment, and high-performance at work. One is to employees, one is to employers/managers/HR, and I want to fill both with quotes from anyone who can share their insights, experiences and ideas about the topics and strategies in the books. I’ll be republishing them at the end of 2019, so the deadline to submit your quote(s) is JUNE 1, 2019. Here’s how:

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work is like school

Your job offers priceless, practical, and relevant ways to build your knowledge, skills, and character traits, and your employer will pay you to take those. Going to work is like going to school, and that was the subject of today’s video:

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how to excel in a new job

If you’re starting a new job, there are things you can do in your first ninety days to make huge leaps ahead and quickly establish yourself as a superstar. If you want to impress your new boss, have coworkers who love having you there, be a valuable asset to your company, and make your time at work work for you from Day 1 - here’s your strategy:

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what to do when coworkers complain about each other

What should you do when your coworkers complain to you about each other? There’s a few things you’ll need to navigate:

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how to work with unfriendly coworkers

What do you do when at least one person at work gives you the cold shoulder and makes you dread going there? I’ve been thinking a lot about my experiences with this, and I came up with six things. Here’s how to work with unfriendly coworkers:

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use your job got a facelift!

Use Your Job is a 90-Day Challenge for employees, that results in happiness, fulfillment, high-performance, and personal goal achievement. It’s in book form, available on Amazon, and in this post, you can see the improvements to the layout of the book.

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use your job - BOOK REVIEW by HR Jazzy

Use Your Job is a 90-Day Challenge for employees, to help them have happiness, fulfillment, and high-performance in any job, by using it to achieve their own personal goals. It’s available on Amazon in paperback or Kindle, and I sent a copy to an HR professional to get her take on it. Her review is linked here:

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how to be happy at work

You can be happy at work every single time you go there. You don’t have to love your job, or even like it, or be planning to stay at it. You don’t have to brainwash yourself, or get hypnosis, or rely on the power of positive thoughts. Your strategy for a great day at work is three specific things that will transform your experience there:

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